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The True You

Writer's picture: Floyd VanDeburghFloyd VanDeburgh

Previously I have shared more Stories I Tell, than Lessons I've learned. I hope to periodically add more Stories in the future. However, I would also like to pass along more Lessons.

Over many years I have discovered from the Bible what I call Eternal Life Truths that have shaped my life. I've shared some of these with others and they have told me they are helpful, so I am going to start doing that more here as well.

Who are you?

Launching a new year is an ideal time to step back and gaze in the mirror to get a good look at ourselves. But, I'm not talking about a physical mirror. When I look there, the image I find is becoming a lot more startling for me these days. I heard my dad say when he was about my age that he would look in the mirror and say to himself, "What's a young man like you doing in an old body like that?" I identify more and more with that sentiment as the years march on.

Instead, I am talking about the mirror of self-reflection, how I view who I really am. I have come to realize over my lifetime that how I see myself is extremely important. My self-identity determines how I approach life and the way I relate to others. So, what mirror should I look at to get an accurate reflection of who I am?

I could try the mirror of self-perception and try to be more "true to myself." However, I have discovered that it is often futile and frustrating to try to determine my own identity. My self perception is often mistaken - I either tend to think too highly of myself and my opinions, or, more often, I think too lowly about myself.

Further, it's an equal mistake to let others define who we are. Their flattery or criticism might inflate or deflate an accurate view of who I really am, though I have benefitted from a few trusted people that have given good feedback about strengths, weaknesses and blind spots.

I've found that the best source of our identity is what God says about us. If you are God’s son or daughter through faith in Jesus, we must look to him to find out what he says about us. His opinion is ultimately the only one that really counts.

Recently I was reminded of some things God says about those of us who are believers in Christ. These are more true than anything you think about yourself or what someone else might say about you. God’s evaluation of who you are is found all over the pages of the Bible, but I would like to point out three from Revelation 1, the last part of verse 5 and verse six.

“To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Revelation 1:5b-6, ESV.

Here is what is absolutely true about you today.

You are always loved

First, Jesus loves you. Notice the present tense of this verb. Jesus loves you right now this very moment and he will constantly and continuously love you forever. That is his constant demeanor toward you.

If Jesus showed up at your place today and sat down with you to have a cup of coffee, I believe the first thing he would say to you before anything else is, “I love you.”

God holds nothing against you

Second, you have been set free from your sins. This verb in Greek, the language that John wrote his Revelation, is in the aorist tense. Often this tense points out something done once for all. When Jesus poured out his blood on your behalf, he released you from your sins once and for all time. Now when God looks at you it is not with condemnation but acceptance. You have been forever set free from the penalty of your sins because Jesus died to pay for every one of them—past, present and future. You may condemn and berate yourself, others may criticize and find fault in you, but Jesus has completely set you free forever from the penalty of any sin that would ever condemn you.

Now, obviously, none of us is perfect. There are still sin issues in our lives that we need to deal with and overcome and there will always be until the end of our lives on earth. To have the best and most fulfilling life possible, it is imperative that we acknowledge them and learn to overcome them by the Holy Spirit's strength. But, in terms of how God sees you today, it is not your sin that is dominant, it is the freedom of forgiveness that is yours because of Jesus has released you from your sin.

You are supremely significant

Third, you and I have been made into a kingdom of priests. That means we are citizens of a new realm. We are royalty. We are princes/princesses and priests for our Lord. A priest is one who represents God to people. You have the highest purpose and calling that anyone could ever have. This isn't just for ordained clergy, but for every one of us who are related to Christ by faith. You are supremely significant and absolutely irreplaceable in God’s plans for this world. You and I have the privilege and honor to be Christ’s representatives to our world in this generation.

Because of who you are in Christ, you are inestimably invaluable. So, live out your identity this year. Rejoice that Jesus loves you. Live in the freedom of forgiveness from sin. Carry out your high calling as his chosen representative to people in your world this year.


If you're not really sure that you are in a good relationship with God, wouldn't it be a good time as we start a new season to get that right? There is no more important decision in life than establishing an eternally secure relationship with God through faith in Jesus.

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