We can help you make a true difference in your world
We offer proven strategies and tools to churches and groups to help make an eternal difference in the lives of others.
We also take teams with us on short term internationa trips. If you have an interest to find out more how we can serve you in these areas, please fill out your information and we'll contact you.
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Passionate About Jesus' Work in the World
God is doing great things in the world today. He wants everyone to know about Jesus and his offer of eternal life.
For most of our adult lives we have been serving Christ and his work in the world. We began on universities telling college students about how they could find new life in Christ. After seminary training, we started a new church with a core group and saw the Lord grow it and even send out other church planters. As a pastor, Floyd started leading people from his and other churches on short term mission trips. These teams partnered with churches in other parts of the world to share the love of Christ and help start new churches. In 2007, we felt God leading us to focus our lives by serving in missions efforts full time. We joined Strategic Impact to train pastors and leaders to make multiplying followers of Christ who start new churches so that everyone everywhere might hear about the only hope of eternal life in Jesus.
YOU can join us in this great work. Here are some ways to get involved:
You can PRAY. If you would like to keep up with the latest of what God is doing through our ministry so that you can pray for us, please sign up for our updates on the home page.
We would love to discuss with you about TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES in your church or group, or EXPLORE HOW YOU CAN JOIN US in mission trips to other parts of the world. Please fill out the form above.
Ministry takes money! You can also GIVE for the work of training pastors and leaders around the world. Your tax deductible gifts will be used 100% for ministry to these leaders. You can click on the following links to find out how to support our personal ministry expenses or the work in Latin America or South Asia.
Though we do have formal theological training, most of what we have learned is from seeking to know, be changed by, and serve Christ in this world alongside some amazing people over the years.
Served with Cru for four years.
Church planter and pastor for 25 years.
Vice-President for Leader Development, Strategic Impact, since 2007