I’d guess that one of the biggest personal issues—if not the biggest—you struggle with is the same one that I do.
Consciously or unconsciously fear follows all of us around like an unwanted stranger. Fears come in many forms. We might fear…
Physical harm, danger
Future disasters
Not being enough—having what it takes
Loss of...
a relationship
a job
Illness or disease
Fear can, and often does, immobilize us. It keeps us from stepping into a new venture or relationship, taking on a new challenge or trying something outside our comfort zone. Fear can compound worry and produce a gnawing anxiety which is not good for our mental or emotional health.
A Lesson I'm Learning
God understands that we are fearful creatures. Did you know that the most repeated command in the Bible in one form or another is “Do not fear/be afraid?”
One of the most prominent of those commands is stated in Deuteronomy 31:6 (ESV).
“Be strong and courageous.
Do not fear or be in dread of them,
for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.
He will not leave you or forsake you.”
Moses spoke these words to the people of Israel as they stood on the edge of the land God had promised them. This band of wanderers faced the daunting task of taking over a territory that had imposing, fortified cities, vast numbers of people and great armies of large and well armed soldiers. Just 40 years before, their parents and grandparents had turned back from entering the same Promised Land because some scouts reported how difficult the task would be. The people they would face were too big and strong, the cities too fortified, the task was simply too overwhelming for them to accomplish. They imagined and voiced their worst fears: “Why is the Lord bringing us into this land, to fall by the sword? Our wives and our little ones will become a prey. Would it not be better for us to go back to Egypt” (Numbers 14:3, ESV). So they refused to step out as God wanted them to do.
But now, 40 years later, a new generation had another opportunity. The dangers, challenges and obstacles had not changed and Moses again charged them to be strong and not fear or be in dread of the people and dangers they would face.
Why? Because God promised to go with them and he would never leave them or forsake them.
How we can overcome our fears
This verse shows us how you and I can face our fears. We can count on the same promise. No matter what fear you face, God promises to go through it with you and he will never ever leave or forsake you.
You and I can face our fears because the all-powerful, all-wise, all-sufficient one is with us. He won’t fail you.
Mark Twain said, “I am an old man and known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” I have faced many fears in my own life and many have never materialized, though some have come to fruition. A few years ago we lost a son. I’ve failed at some endeavors that I’ve attempted. I’ve made mistakes and sometimes been embarrassed.
Last year my wife, Sharon, and I encountered something that we feared might happen. After 23 years she was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in her life. As that reality sank in, the fears we dreaded raised their ugly heads again. She had to go through another surgery and cancer treatments. The very real possibility that I might lose her weighed on me.
We praise the Lord that she came through this ordeal again with great success and healing. She used medical treatments, but the most important treatment we had was the prayers of many people all over the world. I marvel at her courage and faith and we are happy the Lord has once again healed her.
But here’s the thing. Though going through it was a very difficult ordeal, looking back we see the Lord was right there to walk us through each one of the fears we faced. He never let us down. His strength, grace and peace was tangibly evident each step of the way.
I’ve also been amazed to watch and hear from many others who have faced their fears and difficulties, sometimes almost beyond imagining, and how they have shown courage and expressed how they experienced God's provision, strength and nearness to them.
You can be confident
So, you and I can face our fears with confidence. We can be strong and courageous whatever we face now, or whatever will come to us down the road. Why? Because God promises to go with you whatever you face and he won’t ever abandon you in the middle of it.
There’s a couple of caveats in claiming this promise, though, that we must be careful about. The Lord promises to be with us but this is not a carte blanche assurance.
This promise does not eliminate difficulties or loss. In fact, what we fear may actually happen. We or loved ones might get sick, we might indeed experience loss, some might die. Our risks may result in failure. But no matter what we face, we can be sure that God will be with us to take us through it! He will give the strength, wisdom and resources to help us face anything that comes our way.
Further, you can’t claim this promise if you are not in step with what God wants or values. In another place in the Bible God told King Asa, “The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.” NIV (emphasis mine). Too many times my mistake has been this mindset, “God, this is what I want to do, now I'm counting on you to be with me in it to make it succeed.” We can’t expect God to strenthen and enable us if we are acting or attempting something that is obviously against what he desires. More subtly, we can’t make our own plans and expect God to be in it to make it succeed.
While God assures us that he will never leave or forsake those who are his sons and daughters in Christ, we cannot presume that all of our efforts will succeed and that none of our fears will actually materialize if we are not walking in ways that please him. On the other hand, if we are seeking to follow and please him, we can be sure that he will be with us and provide all we need to overcome the fears we confront.
Personalizing the Promise
In facing my fears, I’ve found it helpful to memorize Deuteronomy 31:6 and personalize it like this:
“Be strong and courageous.
Do not fear or be in dread of (you fill in the blank).
For the Lord your God will be with you.
He will never leave or forsake you.”
Perhaps it would be helpful for you to do the same.
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Thank you
Thank you Floyd, I too have faced great fear and loss and it only through His Word and His Spirit that I have been able to continue. We can only succeed in Him and His Word.