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An Old Cuban Gentleman Who Didn't Want to be a Fool

Writer's picture: Floyd VanDeburghFloyd VanDeburgh

Cuba has again been in the news. Scenes of people protesting the oppressive communist government in that country have recently flashed on our news sources. It has reminded me of meeting some of the remarkable people who live in that country during my visits there.

One of my most memorable trips

One of the most memorable trips to that island nation was in the early 90s. At that time it was pretty difficult to get there from here because of restrictions both from our government and theirs. Religious freedom was limited and controlled—even squelched—during those days, and still is today. Some churches still existed and were allowed to function, but under tight control and supervision. They were discouraged to grow and forbidden to expand. Outsiders who came to do any type of Christian training and outreach were not welcome.

Nevertheless, a small group of us were able to get into the country through some very innovative means. We were gladly welcomed by leaders from a few churches and spent a week encouraging and working alongside them. Most people we met were wonderful and accepted us warmly.

Each day we would go into various communities where some Christians lived. They would quietly invite a few of their neighbors into their homes to meet and talk with us. Most were very curious because rarely did those from outside their country ever visit their communities. We would get to know them and then ask for an opportunity to discuss their spiritual beliefs and also tell about the difference that Jesus had made in our lives.

A young man and an old gentleman made a great impression on me

Two men that I met on that trip made a great impression on me. The first was a young man in his late 20s. Our group stayed in a hotel and each morning we would have breakfast together. After that we would split up to go into the community with our Cuban hosts who picked us up at the hotel each morning at a designated time.

My second day there I walked into the lobby to wait for my ride. This young man, whom I’ll call Jorge, was sitting there and when I passed through, I nodded to him and said, “Buenos Dias.” (My Spanish is sketchy, but I knew how to say a few words like “Good morning.”) Jorge responded in English, “Good morning.”

Surprised, I said, “Do you speak English?” He replied that he did and then asked me what I was doing in his country. I sat down and we had a pleasant conversation getting to know one another. I found out that he was a recent university graduate, having attained a degree in engineering. He was very sharp and engaging and I enjoyed interacting with him. I asked him if he was visiting someone at the hotel. He said that he was not but, in fact, had come to apply for a job bussing tables in the restaurant!

He surprised me by the job he was trying to get

When I expressed my surprise that he was seeking that job with his graduate level degree in engineering, he told me that there were very few positions in his field and that, even though he was highly trained, he was looking for any work he could get. He had heard about the possibility of making a little money cleaning tables in the restaurant and that was why he was there. (I have discovered that this scenario is often the case with folks in that country).

He was quite curious about our group and wanted to know exactly what we were talking about with people. When I asked about his spiritual background, he indicated that he had very little knowledge or understanding since the government frowned upon religious involvement. Over the course of the next several minutes I was able to tell him about my own spiritual journey (found in my previous stories, “God Chased Me Until I Found Him” and “Thatcher Hall”, in case you haven’t read those) and I explained to him the great news about Jesus and how he could put his faith in him for forgiveness and the gift of eternal life.

He was very eager to hear this and eagerly trusted in Jesus as his personal sin forgiver and way to have eternal life. About then my ride showed up and, as I was getting ready to leave, an idea struck me: “Hey, Jorge, we are needing translators while we are here this week. Would you like to come along with us and help?” He indicated that he couldn’t that day but would meet me the next morning and spend the day with us.

He not only joined me the next day but for the rest of the time we were there. Our friendship grew over the next several days as we visited many people and talking to them about Jesus. He was amazed how his fellow countrymen, many like himself, were eager to hear.

On our last day we went to a home where their neighbors were invited to meet us. On our normal visits a handful would show up, but this time it was different. At first two or three came, and then several more and then another group...until we had a packed room full of about 50 people.

It was impossible to have a one-on-one conversation with that many, so I just gave a short talk, explaining my own faith journey and then telling them how they could also enter into a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus.

After I finished I asked the group if there were any there who would like to receive Christ’s gift of eternal life by faith and, if they did, to indicate it by raising their hands.

A response of blank expressions

It was completely silent in the room. No one moved. No one said a word. They all just looked at me with expressions that I could not read. After a few awkward seconds of silence, I thought that maybe they had not understood me because I have often found what I mean to communicate using a translator sometimes literally “gets lost in translation.” So I summarized what I had previously said and asked again if anyone would like to receive Jesus to please let me know by raising their hand.

Again, there was no response. Nothing but silence and those blank facial expressions. So, I then said, “Well, does anyone have any questions about what I just talked about from the Bible?”

An old gentleman's question and surprising response

Again, there was silence for a few seconds—though to me it seemed like a lot longer. Finally, a very old gentleman sitting in the corner lifted his hand and said, “I have a question.”

“Thank you. Please, ask," I said.

He responded, “Let me make sure I understand. You are telling us that there is a God and that he loves all of us even though we have done many bad things to offend him and hurt others. He showed us his love by sending his one and only Son, Jesus Christ, who was perfect and blameless, to die in our place to pay the penalty for our wrongdoing. I also heard you say that Jesus did not stay dead but that God brought him back to life and that all we have to do is ask him to forgive us and trust him to give us new spiritual life now and forever, and he will freely do that for us. Is that what you are saying?”

I could tell this man was highly respected by the group. He must have been influential in the community because everyone looked to him with deference. Perhaps the silence and inaction of the rest of the group was because they were waiting for this old gentleman to take the lead. I could not really tell why he was asking his question, though. I actually thought that perhaps he was asking it in order to challenge everything I said, as if this was the stupidest thing he had ever heard and he thought I was out of my mind. I have sometimes had that response from people! I suspected that was his motive because of the look on his face and the incredulity I heard in his voice.

But, I responded as politely and forthrightly as I could, “Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. That is what the Bible says and what millions of people throughout history have experienced when they accepted Jesus and what he offers.”

"We would be fools..."

He sat there for a moment with a somber look on his face. I didn’t know if he was going to mock us or angrily tell us to leave. The next words out of his mouth stunned me. “Well, we have never heard this message before. And, if it is true, then we would be fools not to believe it and accept this amazing offer from God. I am raising my hand and I want to accept this free gift of eternal life that God offers in Jesus Christ.”

And, in that moment, every other person in the room said, “I do, too,” as they all raised their hands.

I was amazed by the unexpected response. What I interpreted as skeptical silence was in fact a serious and wondrous consideration of the best news which they had never heard.

That older gentleman and his neighbors realized the wonder and magnitude of God’s generous offer and he and everyone else who was there decided that they would indeed not be foolish by rejecting the only hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

I believe it is the most important and wisest decision anyone can ever make. It certainly has been for me. And I'm glad that I had the privilege of meeting Jorge, an old gentleman and his friends who took God up on his marvelous and generous offer.

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